Design and construction

The design of a round-tank farm depends on the water source.  Constructing modules of round tanks is straightforward, however, the water storage and treatment system is the highest priority when designing a round-tank farm.  Although most shrimp farms are designed for open water exchange only, it is recommended to design your round-tank farm to incorporate a water recirculation system to improve efficiency and optimize sustainability.  Depending on the water source, it is recommended to have at least a 1:1 reservoir to grow-out ratio.  

Farm Design - Water flow between reservoirs - Generally, the raw seawater is pumped into a sedimentation pond (larger, the better) for initial settling.  Salinity permitting, some farmers stock this settling pond with Tilapia to further condition the water.  Barramundi or sea bass are also stocked to control the numbers of Tilapia fry from overpopulating the reservoir.  

From the settling reservoir, the effluent is pumped to a smaller 2,000 m2 pond or canal with a series of partitions or baffles to further facilitate settling of suspended solids.  The effluent overflows to a 2,000 m2 reservoir (lined with HDPE).  The effluent overflows or is pumped into a lined, chlorination reservoir (1,000 m2) where the water is chlorinated at 10 ppm active chlorine.  Some farmers have duplicate chlorination reservoirs to alternate treatments to insure a continuous flow of treated water.  After the chlorine is neutralized (usually 24 hours or less using a paddlewheel), the treated water is pumped to a conditioning reservoir and available for the round-tank module.  Stored water in the conditioning reservoir should be used within 3 days before the initiation of algae blooms.  

Recirculation - The final step in optimizing the efficiency and sustainability of this round-tank culture system is to recirculate the culture water to minimize the impact on the local ecosystem.  This same step applies to the intensive shrimp ponds in Belize as well. Recycling of culture water also enhances biosecurity which in turn reduces the risk of disease manifestation.  Moreover, this high-yield, small footprint model would suppress further shrimp farm expansion.  The existing non-functioning ponds could be utilized as intake and sedimentation reservoirs for remediating culture water, enabling farmers to continue farming in the low-lying areas that may be at risk of rising sea levels.

Medium to large scale round-tank farms are normally constructed in modules of 4 to 8 tanks.  Some farms go as high as 20 tanks per module.

Six round-tank modules constructed in a traditional shrimp farm in Vietnam.  Existing shrimp ponds are used as reservoirs for water treatment and storage.  This layout can be managed as an open water exchange or partial recirculation system.

The Minh Phu Loc An farm has 20 round grow-out and 10 nursery tanks per module.  Each module has its own reservoirs for water sedimentation and treatment.

This is an example of a four tank farm connected to a RAS (for salmon).  More round-tank shrimp farms are testing RAS systems.  This tendency will certainly grow in the future.

Round tank frame construction

A company in Vietnam makes fiberglass composite panels reinforced with galvanized steel pipes inbedded in the fiberglass.  The panels are simply bolted together to form a free-standing frame.  A HDPE liner is welded to fit the inside of the tank.

The advantage of a composite frame tank is the resistance to corrosion in a seawater environment.

Cost per fiberglass tank is slightly more expensive than that of a the standard metal post/pipe frame tank.

Posts are set around 60 cm apart and .5 meters below ground.  Laterial pipes are spaced 20 cm apart.  

Typical galvanized post and pipe construction.  Can build up to 32 meters in diameter using this construction method.

There are many factories in Vietnam manufacturing the materials for the metal frame.  

The typical round-tank diameter used in Vietnam is just over 25 meter (500 m2 area).

500 m2 tank in Vietnam

Pre-fab tank from China

Tank frame and roof support

Some farmers make a concrete curb or ring to support the metal frame

A green plastic net mesh is placed between the metal frame and HDPE 

Metal grid frames for round tanks under construction

Shading the round tank farm is a good idea

The advantage of round tanks is that they can be covered inside of a greenhouse structure for temperature control as well as for reducing light intensity using shade cloth or netting.  Generally, a 50-100% coverage with shade netting is recommended to reduce algae blooms.  

Drone view of four round tanks under shade (Bac Lieu, Vietnam)

Round tank ponds with black liner and catwalk pier

Sump receiving discharge water from four round tanks