Training was created by David Kawahigashi of  Vannamei 101 ( 


As this new trend of round-tank farms has proven to be a viable alternative to the traditional earthen or HDPE lined pond system, I have decided to develop a separate website (from that is dedicated to the development and operation of round-tank, super intensive farms.

Training opportunities for round-tank farms

Vannamei 101 has been providing training courses/tours of shrimp farms and hatcheries in countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand since 2007.  Training courses specific to the round-tank farm system would be conducted in Vietnam.  

Training course description

Vannamei 101 has been conducting shrimp hatchery and farming training courses in Asia since 2007!  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.   DK

Below are photos from groups who attended V101 training programs over the years.